
Welcome to Matt’s Got Game!

Hello, my name is Matthew and you have discovered my blog about video games! Here, I will be talking about what’s going on in the world of video games, upcoming releases, reviews for games that just came out, and my opinion on many games. I might also do a few pieces off the news too! On my blog, you won’t need a quarter to participate, just sit back and enjoy the content. So now, let’s play!



So, I am finally ending my blog. Well, at least the frequency of them. I had to start this off as an assignment for English, where I had to write a 500-word blog each week. I’ve done that, and now that school is over, I technically don’t have to do it anymore. So this is the last post. I have one more announcement, though. On the side of my school work, I make gaming videos on Youtube. My channel is Matt10GameGenius, so please go check it out. I hope you guys have enjoyed my content on here. As always, thanks for reading, game out!

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 VS Battlefield 5 Pt.2

Last week we looked at the Call of Duty Black Ops 4 reveal, and the many trailers that were released, and now we are going to be looking at the Battlefield 5 reveal.

Battlefield VImage result for battlefield v


The trailer that EA released for this game has definitely gotten a lot of feedback on it from its fan base, and a lot of it is negative. Many people are saying that there shouldn’t be a woman in the game, and adding her isn’t historically accurate. Another claim is that it isn’t historically accurate in general, with the robot hand and at one point you can see a samurai charging in the background with a huge sword. I don’t think that these things matter though. In the description for the video on YouTube, it says that they are taking a different take on WW2, and I think that it should be really interesting.

So let’s go over the trailer, the one huge piece of info that they released. At the beginning of the trailer, we see a squad going through a house, and then a lady gets her metal hand shot. We then see her jump out of the house, and then she hops on a car and drives away while getting shot at. They then pass by a destroyed blimp, and we see someone get killed by a plane that crashes on the ground. Some guy then comes up and the view switched to the first person and picks up the dead guys gun. He then runs around the battlefield, kills a few people, and then gets pinned down by some enemy, but the enemy gets destroyed by a bat by the girl at the beginning. We then see people parachuting and that’s where the trailer ends.

I thought this trailer was pretty cool. While we didn’t get to see any actual gameplay (the fake gameplay in the trailer doesn’t count), it’s cool seeing a little bit of what this game will be like, and gives us a little taste of what’s to come. I also think that it’s interesting as at the beginning of the trailer it looks like single player, but at the end of the trailer it looks like they are playing in multiplayer. This makes me think that some of the single player will include actual people to play with, or something along those lines. Or it could just be that they added that beginning part, and it was multiplayer mode the whole time. I guess we won’t know till the game’s release.

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I am definitely excited for this game. I would even say that I am more excited for this game than I am for Black ops 4. My gateway into the series was Battlefield Hardline, which I played a lot and was a huge fan of. I also played a little bit of Battlefield 4. I also played Battlefield 1 a lot, and I was a huge fan of that game, and I still play it time to time today.

So thanks guys for reading this week’s blog. Next week will be my last week doing this blog, and I will explain what will happen to it and more.  As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: N/A 🎮

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 VS Battlefield 5 Pt.1

(I know that the reveal for Black Ops 4 was last week, but I wanted to go over both games and what the differences between them are and my predictions on how they are going to do. Let’s go over Black Ops 4 first.)


Call of Duty Black Ops 4Image result for call of duty black ops 4

Real quick, I want to talk about my experience with this series. I’ve played all of the black ops and played through Ghosts and WW2. For Black Ops, I finished the story, and really liked it, and dipped my toe a bit into the multiplayer. For Black Ops 2, I played through half way of the story, and also slightly dipped my toes into the multiplayer. Then, for the third one I went all in. I didn’t like the story for it that much, and played a few missions, but I got really into the multiplayer. I would play all day and rack up so many kills. I had so many good times on this game, from the many good maps to Nuketown, all the way to zombies. For Ghosts, I played through the story, and played a ton of multiplayer. For World War 2, I played through half of the story, and played a bit of multiplayer with one of my friends. I would have liked to play this game a bit more, but I got it around the time I got my new PC, so I didn’t play on my PS4 that much.

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Now moving on to the fourth one, I am happy to say there are alot of things that this game excites me with, but there are also a few things that don’t. First, there is no single player at all. I know alot of people are disappointed, and that includes me. I’ve really enjoyed the previous stories that the developers have told (mostly), and seeing how they won’t have a single player will definitely make me interested in what content they will have to make up for the no story. They will probably make up for it with their new ‘Blackout’ battle royale game mode, which actually looks pretty promising. The trailer for it actually looks pretty interesting, and I am excited that they are adding vehicles. I am also excited for the new zombies, which will not have one map like the previous games, but will have three maps. There will be two brand maps and the other one looking like a remaster of Mob of The Dead, but re-named Blood of The Dead, but with the addition of the four classic characters. Now the multiplayer is a little disappointing for me. It looks exactly like the Black Ops 3 multiplayer, but with a few tweaks. I was hoping for a new style of the game, with new specialists, but it all kind of looks the same.

Next week, we will look into Battlefield 5, and finally judge the two.


So that’s all I have for you today. We are slowly closing into the last weeks of this blog, and I will have a big announcement soon. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: No new details for No Man’s Sky, but I am still excited! 🎮

No Man’s Sky is Finally Getting Multiplayer

So a few weeks ago there was a leak that No Man’s sky, a game that came out in 2016, was finally getting multiplayer. It all started off with a leak of the Xbox’s game box art.

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The box art for the Xbox version of the game

People then saw that there were four people on the cover. The previous covers for the game on PlayStation (Where it was exclusive on, as well as being on Steam) only showed one person on the cover. Now that there were four people though, that definitely got people thinking that there was multiplayer on the way. Another detail was that if you looked even closer, you can see that each player has their own distinct color. These colors are orange, green, blue, and yellow. If you look on the ground and in the sky, you can see an orange spaceship landed, and a blue, yellow, and green ship flying above them. This shows that each player was different by the show of their color Now, only a few weeks later, it was finally revealed that players would finally be getting multiplayer. No Man’s Sky gets its new update July 24th. Honestly, this has me really excited. I remember being excited for this game, trying to pre-order the Limited Edition on Best Buy, refreshing the tab, and finally getting it. I remember getting the notification on my phone that it arrived at my clubhouse, and rushing over in my PJ and running back to my house, tearing open the box, and flinging it into my PS4 and playing. Sadly, it got bad reviews, with many saying that it didn’t deliver on the promises and that it was rushed and so on and so

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The orbs players would see if they ran into eachother

forth. I thought that the game was pretty fun, if you played it in short bursts. It felt like you were doing the same thing over and over. First you start off on a planet, then you take off to another one, get resources for fule, scan some worthless alien animals, then fly away to another planet and do the same thing again over and over. There were some cool things though, like slowly learning the languages of the different alien races, and I thought that some of the crafting was pretty cool. I remember my friends and me getting the game, wanting to play with each other, but then finding out that you couldn’t. About a year later, they released a little multiplayer thing. When you found another player, they would be a floating orb, but the orb was as cool as it got. You couldn’t do anything with it. You couldn’t interact with it. You couldn’t get in a spaceship and fly with it. It was just an orb. Now that I have a beast gaming computer, I am thinking of getting the game on it and playing it with my friends, but we will have to see if this update is a good one.


So that’s all I have for you today, as always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: I looked at The Know for inspiration for this blog. 🎮



My Favorite Gaming YouTube Channels

I started using YouTube in 2012, and I’ve watched thousands of thousands of videos and seen thousands of thousands of channels as well. Some of these channels gaming channels. Here are some of those channels. (These channels aren’t in any particular order)


#3: NakeyJakey

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I started watching NakeyJakey when I first saw his “Pizza Hut Demo PS1 Demo Discs” video on my YouTube suggested tab. The video was really well produced, really funny, and it was pretty interesting. The video is about how back in the 1999 Pizza Hut did a promotion where when you bought a Pizza, you got a PS1 Demo Disc with it. He basically talks about how good the games were, and talks about the games on the discs. I find his use of a green screen to be really interesting, and the different ways he uses it are really cool. Sometimes he’s talking, and he messes up and it cuts to him just sitting there with his keyboard and his laptop, and it’s pretty funny. After that video, I went to go watch all of his other videos, and now I watch them when ever they come out. You can check out his channel here

#2:The KnowImage result for the know

The Know is mainly a gaming news channel that talks about all the things going on in the gaming industry. I don’t really remember when or how I discovered this channel, but I’ve pretty much watched every single video they’ve produced. They release 2-3 videos every day, and they are very well done, with good topics. There are a couple different types of videos this channel makes. First, they have their news videos. In these videos, they focus on one topic, and talk about it. Another type of video they make are their weekend roundups. In these videos they talk about a bunch of news, or they gives updates on past videos they made. Last but not least they have their podcast that they do called Glitch Please. This is like any other podcast, and in it they talk about gaming information and give their personal opinions on the topics. I’ve listened to a couple of these, and I have to say they are pretty good. You can find The Know’s channel here

#3: videogamedunkeyImage result for videogamedunkey

So far we have covered the funny informational channel, the news channel, and now we are going to cover the super mega funny channel. Videogamedunkey is a channel run by an actually dunkey. Not a Donkey, a dunkey. In the videos he makes, he plays a game and makes a really funny video on it, or does a review on it (which pretty much is a really funny video). Some of the games he’s covered are Donald Trump the video game, Grush, and Knack 2. Besides the comedy, he’s also made some serious videos, like his review of The Shining, and his video on Game Critics. I especially like his video on Game Critics as it created another huge spark for the debate whether or not you should trust outlets like GameSpot and IGN. I don’t really remember when or how I found his channel, but here I am, and I’ve watched every single one of his videos. You can find his channel here

So those are just a few of the gaming YouTube channels that I watch. Please note that some of these channels have some bad language in them, so if you have a problem with that, then there is the warning. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: I wish I’ve had time to play Burnout, but I just haven’t. I defiantly can’t wait till summer and I can play till I see cars driving around in my dreams 🎮

Burnout: Paradise

Burnout Paradise was an influential game for little Matthew. I remember waking up in the mornings many, many years ago and hopping on my PS3. I would open the little white box with the car on the front. I would then put it into the PS3, wait a bit for the 2006 console to load up the game, and launch it. Sitting on the floor, the games iconic song would start playing, and I would be instantly be transported into the world of Paradise City.

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That’s how a lot of my mornings would start with. The world had so much to do, like racing from the top of the map to the bottom, and trying to outrun people trying to make you crash. Along with these other things, you could also just drive around the map and not do anything, which is what I tended to do most of my time in the game. I would start off all the way at the left side of the map where the city was, and then in a matter of minutes I would boost all the way to the county area, and go up and down on the many hills, and make my way all the way back. Along the way, I would crash into yellow fences, smash through billboards, and jump over canons.

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I played a couple racing games when I was younger, like MotorStorm, Mario Kart, and Grid, but this game was different from the others. Burnout Paradise is an open world racing game, where the player can racer around with bots or real people online. While I never played online, I still had a ton of fun. I would drift around corners, trying my best not to crash full speed into a corner and make everything slow down and see my car get destroyed. I remember my dad watching me play, cheering me on, and me trying not to crash and impress him with my 9-year-old driving skills. Related image

I really, really, REALLY liked making people crash. I don’t really know what made me like it, but I’d guess it’s probably because I am a little reckless. Seeing the other drivers crash in slow-motion was a cool small break from the game, and then after it, straight back into the game. I would usually win every race when I did them. but when I didn’t, I would drive straight back to the start point of the race and do it over.

After a few years, I stopped playing the game and starting playing other genres of games, but still playing a few racing games. I then upgraded to the PS4, and then a few years later bought the Wii U, and then a few more years later bought the Xbox One, and then bought my PC, and then in 2018 I bought the Switch. On the PS4, I bought Gran Turismo Sport, Need For Speed Rivals, and GTA. On Wii U, I got Mario Kart 8. On Xbox One, I got Forza Horizon 3, and Forza 7. On PC, I got Jalopy. Finally, I got Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Switch. Finally, in 2018, EA remasted the game I love so much, and I instantly pre-ordered it, and when I got it, I couldn’t put the controller down. It really brought me back to my youth, back on that carpet in the house we moved out of that I loved so. Playing games on weekends so early in the morning that it would wake up my mom and we would start the day super early. Thank you EA, for brining back my youth. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: I played the Detroit demo again, and holy smokes if you have not played it yet, you need to play it. It’s super intense, and I can’t wait for it to come out🎮


Games I Am Most Excited For Comming Soon!

It’s only been the first four months of the year, and we already have some amazing games released like the amazing God of War, the ambitious Far Cry 4, and the small indie game A Way Out, as well as many other games. But as we aren’t even halfway through the year, we still have a ton of awesome games that haven’t even come out. Let’s go over them, shall we? We will be starting off with games that are going to come out the soonest, and then we will slowly get to games at the end of the year.

#1: Detroit: Become Human

Image result for detroit become human

I talked about this game a little while back, but now I can talk about it some more. If you have ever played the telltale style games, this is pretty much like that. There are different people you get to play as, and your decisions impact how the story is played. For example, in one mission you play as a robot named Conner, and you have to save a child from being killed. These missions are very intense and can be pretty rewarding when you get a good ending. I had the chance to play the demo for it the other morning, and it was pretty good. I was able to save the girl, but I didn’t find it that hard. I saw there were like 6 different endings, and I knew what 4 of them were, but I couldn’t think of what the other 2 could be. Overall, I am very excited for this game. Detroit: Become Human comes out the 25th of May.

#2: Mario Tennis AcesImage result for mario tennis aces

This game was originally released on the Wii U, but now it’s getting released on the Switch, so I am very excited! This game has you playing as the many different Mario characters, doing different Tennis things. There is a game mode where it’s classic tennis, there is another one where there are special hits you can do, there is online, and there is also classic couch play. So far from all the footage, the game is looking pretty good. Mario Tennis Aces comes out the 22nd of June (Another reason why I am excited for this game, because it comes out at the end of my school year :))

#3: Spider-ManRelated image

This game has me super excited, probably the most on this list. In this game, you swing around just like Spider-Man would do in the comics and movies, but this time around you control him. You can wear many different costumes, such as a Noir one, and one from the recently released  Avengers Infinity War (WHICH WAS AMAZING!!!!!!). The story also looks really good, with an older Peter, and a new villain. Spider-Man comes out the 7th of September.

So those are just a few of the games I am excited for this year. There are also a few more, but some of them don’t have a definite release date, so I won’t include them. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: I’m playing Fortnite while writing this🎮


So I Started Playing Fortnite…

I’ve been interested in Fortnite ever since I saw the trailer for Save the World, what the game was originally supposed to be. Save the World is a free co-op sandbox game, that can be played with up to 4 people. The main thing to do in the game is to go around doing quests, and return to your base. I was planning on getting it with my friends and we would all have a good ol dandy time. A couple weeks later after it came out, my friends and I downloaded it, and we tried to play it but you had to pay to play it early, and the free version would be released sometime in 2018. After we found that out, we moved on from Fortnite, and we got PUBG and started playing that. We had a ton of fun, and the Fortnite Battle Royale came out. At first, it wasn’t really that popular, but then all of a sudden it became really, REALLY popular. At the time, we were still playing PUBG, and discussed how Fortnite Battle Royale was just a copy of PUBG. We basically thought that playing Fortnite was “gross” in a sense. A few months later, I’ve put in about 50 hours and I’ve just made my first in-game purchase. Let’s talk about my experience with Fortnite Battle Royale so far…


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The default Fortnite dance compared to the real one


I’ve played about 139 matches, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen people get destroyed by my team and me, and I’ve also seen my team and me get destroyed by people. We have also had our few wins (only one (and that was on the High Explosives game mode)), and many, many kills and guns shot in the process. We’ve played the High Explosive game mode a lot when that was out, and have played the 50V50 V2 a lot since that has come out recently. I have also spent my first Vbucks in the game, buying this really stupid dance/emote. I logged on, saw the emote, and I immediately knew where it was from and I knew that I had to buy it. I had never seen the movie where it was from, but I knew what it was. I bought the starter pack, which came with a few Vbucks, and then I bought the dance.


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The version from the movie.
The version from the game. They look pretty similar, don’t they?

Overall, I’ve had a lot of fun on this game. I am interested to see how this game will do in the future, and if it will keep it’s popularity, or if another game comes and steals the spotlight away from Fortnite like how it did with PUBG. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: So I’m gonna start doing these updates from the last blog. Basically, they are going to add something interesting from the last blog, or there may be some news. So this update is that I’m still playing the game! I’ve progressed a couple episodes, and I wish I could play more but school has really gotten in my way🎮

Friday The 13th: Killer Puzzle

I am a big fan of the Friday The 13th franchise. I heard about it when I was growing up, but I wasn’t really interested in the movies because I never really watched horror movies. In the months leading up to Friday The 13th The Game’s release, I started to get really into the franchise and hyped. After the release, I played the game a ton with my friends, and started watching the movies. I even made my own Jason mask and costume for that Halloween.

This is what it looked like (Yes, I even made the mask too!)

I eventually stopped playing the game, but it got me really invested and interested in the franchise. Many months later, and I heard about this game, Friday The 13th Killer Puzzle. I saw the one video that Blue Wizard Digital (The developer) put out, and I was instantly excited. I also saw that this company put out a game just like this one, but without Jason and for a price of about $10


Jason Killing camp goers with many different types of weapons

Now, we are up to speed. I have played this game on my phone and on Steam, and now I am here to give my thoughts.


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One of the levels that can be played

First, this is actually one of the first puzzle games I have played. Even though I am not experienced in this genre, nor know all the things other things more expected players might know, I am still having a ton of fun. The first “Episode”, as the game calls them, is “Crystal Lake Memories”. This episode has Jason in his natural habitat, stalking campers and killing them. The episode is really like a tutorial for new players, basically showing them how the game works, and getting them used to getting put in tricky spots and trying to kill that last camper. The next episode is Lockdown, which is a little spike in difficulty. In this episode, Jason is captured and sent to jail. The one after that is Winter Kills, and after that is the one where he is in Manhattan, and this is the one I am on. Throughout the episodes, you kill many people, and you can either choose to do this in the games PG rating or R rating. These ratings let the player choose how much gore they want to see, with PG not being that gory, and R having peoples heads chopped off and squeezed till they explode.

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One of the prisoners getting destroyed by Jason


So far, I have found the levels to be actually pretty challenging. Some are harder than others, with some having you scare people to a certain location so you can be at this one spot to get another person. Later in the episodes, new obstacles are introduced like bear traps in the winter levels and phones in the Manhattan levels. This adds new ways to play levels, making them increasingly challenging. There is a little bit of a progession system, where you can get blood to fill up a little meter that allows you to level up. Once you level up, you are given a crate that has many different weapons Jason can use. There are also many different outfits Jason can wear.


One of the weapons I got from a crate


Overall, I think this game is pretty good. It has really good puzzle levels, and good customization. Even though there are some microtransactions, they don’t really affect the way the game is played.


As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!

PUBG’S New Map Codename: Savage

So, PUBG has this new map, and it doesn’t really have a name yet, so it just goes by Codename: Savage. This week we are going to be going over the different locations of the map, and my opinions on it. So let’s get into it!

The New PUBG Map

The two maps that have been released so far are Erangel and Miramar, and they are both 8×8. This new map, though, is 4×4, virtually half the size of the other maps. Towards the bottom of the map we have Beach, Commerce, Logging Camp, and Dock. The only location I have been to here, is River town, and it had some really good loot. But the other locations I haven’t been to, but I would bet that Bootcamp has some good loot, and as well as Commerce. There are a few scattered random cities at the bottom as well. As we move up North, towards the center of the map, is the Rice Farming Town, River Town (named appropriately), Swamp Temple, Traning Center, Banyan Grove, and Bootcamp Alpha. The one place I have been before is Bootcamp Bravo, and It has some pretty decent loot. The other places, I have not been to, but I would guess that Traning center has some of the best loot on the map because of its huge size. At the top of the map, we have another Bootcamp, Abandon Resort, Manufacturing, Coconut Farm, Logging Camp and Costal. I have been to the small areas around Resort, but not into it or the other places. I mostly go to the smaller cities, and I rarely go into the big locations.


One of the spawn locations


Overall, I think this map is really good. Even though I only played a few matches on this new map, I think this is going to be a good map. This new map will definitely bring shorter games, less of a need for vehicles, and many, many more delicious chicken dinners. Right now, the map isn’t out yet, but players can play it on the Closed Experimental Server. The Closed Experimental Server is different from the regular test server because you need a code to get into it.

Jumping out of the plane!


Thanks guys for reading this weeks blog. I’m not really sure what next weeks blog is going to be about, but I think it’s gonna be something about a classic game that just got remastered 🙂 As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!