My Favorite Gaming YouTube Channels

I started using YouTube in 2012, and I’ve watched thousands of thousands of videos and seen thousands of thousands of channels as well. Some of these channels gaming channels. Here are some of those channels. (These channels aren’t in any particular order)


#3: NakeyJakey

Image result for nakeyjakey

I started watching NakeyJakey when I first saw his “Pizza Hut Demo PS1 Demo Discs” video on my YouTube suggested tab. The video was really well produced, really funny, and it was pretty interesting. The video is about how back in the 1999 Pizza Hut did a promotion where when you bought a Pizza, you got a PS1 Demo Disc with it. He basically talks about how good the games were, and talks about the games on the discs. I find his use of a green screen to be really interesting, and the different ways he uses it are really cool. Sometimes he’s talking, and he messes up and it cuts to him just sitting there with his keyboard and his laptop, and it’s pretty funny. After that video, I went to go watch all of his other videos, and now I watch them when ever they come out. You can check out his channel here

#2:The KnowImage result for the know

The Know is mainly a gaming news channel that talks about all the things going on in the gaming industry. I don’t really remember when or how I discovered this channel, but I’ve pretty much watched every single video they’ve produced. They release 2-3 videos every day, and they are very well done, with good topics. There are a couple different types of videos this channel makes. First, they have their news videos. In these videos, they focus on one topic, and talk about it. Another type of video they make are their weekend roundups. In these videos they talk about a bunch of news, or they gives updates on past videos they made. Last but not least they have their podcast that they do called Glitch Please. This is like any other podcast, and in it they talk about gaming information and give their personal opinions on the topics. I’ve listened to a couple of these, and I have to say they are pretty good. You can find The Know’s channel here

#3: videogamedunkeyImage result for videogamedunkey

So far we have covered the funny informational channel, the news channel, and now we are going to cover the super mega funny channel. Videogamedunkey is a channel run by an actually dunkey. Not a Donkey, a dunkey. In the videos he makes, he plays a game and makes a really funny video on it, or does a review on it (which pretty much is a really funny video). Some of the games he’s covered are Donald Trump the video game, Grush, and Knack 2. Besides the comedy, he’s also made some serious videos, like his review of The Shining, and his video on Game Critics. I especially like his video on Game Critics as it created another huge spark for the debate whether or not you should trust outlets like GameSpot and IGN. I don’t really remember when or how I found his channel, but here I am, and I’ve watched every single one of his videos. You can find his channel here

So those are just a few of the gaming YouTube channels that I watch. Please note that some of these channels have some bad language in them, so if you have a problem with that, then there is the warning. As always, thanks for reading, and until next time, game on!


Update from the last blog: I wish I’ve had time to play Burnout, but I just haven’t. I defiantly can’t wait till summer and I can play till I see cars driving around in my dreams 🎮

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